Stretch Marks Removal in Bangalore

Stretch marks are very common and appear as linear streaks on skin. This can be mainly due to overstretching of skin. The scarring due to stretch marks can be effectively removed with laser skin treatment in Bangalore. The surgical approach of treating stretch marks is the most effective and complete solution. At Dr.Pentyala's, we help you in getting rid of the shabby looking stretch marks from the body once and forever.

What is Stretch Marks Removal treatment?

The procedure Abdominoplasty or Tummy Tuck, as commonly known is the most effective way to remove stretch marks of abdomen. It tightens the abdominal muscles and removes excess skin in respective region. It is very effective on postnatal women particularly. This complete stretch mark removal available in India is particularly for abdomen and for other regions laser treatment can be followed.

How the Stretch Marks bothers you?

The stretch marks can be depressing for an individual as they affect the appearance of the person. People usually hide them, wearing inappropriate dresses or use some home remedies and gels and creams or have pills to reduce the appearance. But all these methods are either ineffective or cause harmful after-effects on the body.

How Dr.Pentyala's helps?

Expert Consultation- For any of the surgical treatments, first, a consultation with the specialist at Dr.Pentyala's is necessary. This consultation session will help them advice on the tests and note other health related information necessary for the surgery.

Immense Expertise: There are certain risks involved in surgical treatment methods and choosing the best place for the same is the key concern. At Dr.Pentyala's one can be rest assured as the risks are properly taken care of. The team here is efficient and can be fully trusted thanks to its proven experience in this field.

Post Treatment care: The post-procedure care and friendliness is the most important part of the treatment and is the best here. You can be sure of getting rid of your problematic scars due to stretch marks at our clinic, along with total post-operative care and medical assistance.

Results after the treatment:

After stretch marks removal treatment, in 1-2 weeks you will see improvement in the appearance of your skin.


It takes hardly 45-60 min, considered consultation.

No of sessions:

It depends on the skin damage and area.

How much stretch marks removal cost in Bangalore?

Costs vary between the types of facials. At Dr Pentyala's, stretch marks removal treatment cost in Bangalore starts from 3500 INR per session.

Next Consultation:

At Dr Pentyala's Clinic, our support doesn't end with achieving your cosmetic goals. So, without any further delay, make sure to get in touch with us to achieve best results from most liked stretch marks removal treatment clinic in Koramangala, Bangalore. For more information on stretch marks removal or to Book an Appointment, Call Dr Pentyala's at: +91 9901349691 / 080-40992418 or Mail us